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Battle Lines in the Schools: Teaching the History of War and Society for the Common Good, Oct 15

Date(s) de l’évènement: 
15 octobre 2013
Fredericton, New Brunswick

Dr. Alan Sears, from UNB's Faculty of Education, will deliver a Gregg Centre public lecture on Tuesday, October 15 at 7:00 pm at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery.

Sears' lecture, entitled "Battle Lines in the Schools: Teaching the History of War and Society for the Common Good" will explore how the history of war is taught in both the public school and university classroom.

Sears has been a social studies teacher for more than 30 years working at all levels from primary to graduate school. In the Faculty of Education, Sears teachers undergraduate courses in teaching methods, social studies education, and international education and graduate courses in research methods and educational policy.

In 2011, Sears joined Faculty at the Gregg Centre in the delivery of the "War and the Canadian Experience: Teachers' Professional Development course in France and Flanders" course (formerly the Cleghorn War and Memory Study Tour). The course takes teachers and prospective teachers to sites in France and Flanders to consider how teachers might use the history to both foster critical thinking skills and historical consciousness in the classroom.

All are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served. Please contact Cindy Brown ( for questions.

Cindy Brown, PhD
The Gregg Centre for the Study of War and Society