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2013 Claude A. Eggertsen Dissertation Prize

The History of Education Society is accepting submissions for the Claude A. Eggertsen Prize for the dissertation judged to be most outstanding in the field of history of education. This includes work on schooling and educational institutions more broadly, and the dissertation may have a domestic or international focus. The next award will be presented at the 2013 meeting of the History of Education Society. The prize carries an award of $1,000 for the winner. Self-nominations are welcome. Qualified applicants must have completed the dissertation and graduated during the calendar year 2012. The deadline for entries is May 24, 2013. Entrants should send an electronic copy of the complete dissertation to each of the three prize committee members:

Ann Marie Ryan, Loyola University Chicago

Laura Munoz, Texas A & M University, Corpus Christi

Louis Ray, Fairleigh Dickinson University

If you have questions or need more information, please write to the chair of the committee, Ann Marie Ryan at