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AERA Teaching History SIG Program, Apr 27-28

Date(s) de l’évènement: 
27 avril 2013 - 28 avril 2013
San Francisco, CA
Personne ressource: 
Carla Peck
Courriel de la personne ressource:

Teaching History SIG Sessions & Reception

(Please see attached PDF for more detailed information.)

New Theory and Practices in Reformed History Teaching and Learning

Sat, Apr 27 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Hilton Union Square, Fourth Level - Tower 3 Union Square 21

Chair: Benjamin M. Jacobs (New York University)

  1. Core Practices for Teaching History: The Results of a Delphi Panel Survey, Bradley Fogo (Stanford University)
  2. Historical inquiry as a way to disrupt notions of race, class and gender: An analysis of the development of counter narratives,?Cinthia S. Salinas (The University of Texas - Austin), Brooke Blevins (Baylor University)
  3. How Students Navigate the Construction of Heritage Narratives, Sara A. Levy (Wells College)
  4. Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Historical Inquiry: Making Sense of Students’ Answers to New History Assessments, Joel Breakstone (Stanford University), Mark D. Smith (Stanford University), Sam Wineburg (Stanford University)
  5. "Trying to Put the Puzzle Pieces Together": Documenting Elementary History Students’ Epistemic Development, Jeffery D. Nokes (Brigham Young University)


Teaching History SIG Business Meeting

Sat, Apr 27 - 6:15pm - 7:45pm

Sir Francis Drake, Second Level - Cypress/Monterey

Guest speaker: Dr. Sam Wineburg

**Free beverage tickets to the first 30 people who arrive (one ticket per person)– tickets can be used at the Reception immediately following the Business meeting!**


Teaching History SIG Reception, generously sponsored by THEN/HiER & CSHC

Sat, Apr 27 – 7:45pm – 10:00pm

Sir Francis Drake, Second Level - Cypress/Monterey


Global Perspectives in History Education

Sun, Apr 28 - 10:35am - 12:05pm

Hilton Union Square, Sixth Level - Tower 3 Mason

Chair: Wayne Journell (University of North Carolina - Greensboro)

  1. Can We Tell Who We Are Without a War? Australian School History and the Media, Sue Collins (Monash University), Tony Taylor (Monash University)
  2. Intercultural History Education: a case study on Quebec, Sarah Jean DesRoches (McGill University)
  3. Reading of History Practices in a Brazilian Secondary Classroom, Luísa Teixeira Andrade Pinho (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Cynthia Harvey (University of California - Santa Barbara)
  4. Students’ Narratives of Slavery Heritage and Their Learning Experiences, Geerte Savenije (Erasmus University), Carla Van Boxtel (University of Amsterdam)


Stories and the Making of Citizens: Four Theoretical Approaches to Historical Narratives (Symposium)

Sun, Apr 28 - 12:25pm - 1:55pm

Hilton Union Square, Fourth Level - Tower 3 Union Square 12

Chair: Carla L. Peck (University of Alberta)

  1. Narratives and the Production of Ethical Imaginaries: The “Good War” in Canada and the U.S., Lisa Y. Faden (University of Western Ontario)
  2. Treaty Education for Ethically Engaged Citizenship: Settler Identities, Historical Consciousness, and the Need for Reconciliation,?Jennifer A. Tupper (University of Regina)
  3. Mobilizing History as a Disciplinary Regime: the Power of Historical Consciousness, Daniel Friedrich (Teachers College, Columbia University)
  4. Retelling a Gypsy Narrative: An Untold Story Constructed Through the Scapegoat Complex, Alexandra Fidyk (University of Alberta)


Research on Reading and Writing in History Education

Sun, Apr 28 - 2:15pm - 3:45pm

Hilton Union Square, Ballroom Level - Imperial Ballroom B

Chair: Lauren McArthur Harris (Arizona State University)

  1. A Rigorous Dialectic: Writing and Thinking in History, Jack Schneider (College of the Holy Cross), Sivan Zakai (American Jewish University)
  2. Professional Development and Teacher Learning: The Advanced Placement World History Reading Experience, Linda J. Black (Stephen F. Austin State University)
  3. Teaching Types and Use of History Textbooks in Quebec Classrooms: Historical Method and Teaching Practices, Vincent Boutonnet (Université de Montréal)


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