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35th Annual Humanities and Technology Association Conference, Nov 7-9

Date limite: 
30 juillet 2013
Date(s) de l’évènement: 
7 novembre 2013 - 9 novembre 2013
Miami Gardens, Florida

For the 35th Annual Humanities and Technology Association conference, we welcome papers that investigate the cultural interaction of the humanities, science, engineering, and technology.

The premiere track for the conference considers (1) HUMANISM, POSTHUMANISM, TRANSHUMANISM. Yet to remain inclusive to various explorations, further tracks are possible, including investigations into (2) PHILOSOPHICAL, POLITICAL, AND ETHICAL DIMENSIONS of technology (3) TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL LIFE, (4) REPRESENTATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY, and (5)TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION.

Please submit an abstract (approximately 500 words) by 30 July 2013 to Evan Lampe ( or Darrell Arnold ( and state the track for which you are submitting your paper. Also, include basic biographical information such as your affiliated institution and your position at this institution. (Graduate students are welcome.)

The conference will be at St. Thomas Univesity in Miami Gardens, FL from 07-09 November, 2013. A full announcement is listed on the Humanities and Technology Review homepage.

Darrell Arnold, Ph.D.
St. Thomas University
Department of History, Philosophy
and Global Studies
16401 NW 37th Ave
Miami Gardens, FL 33054
Phone (305) 474 6835