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2013 Catching Stories Oral History Institute, Jun 4-6

Date limite: 
29 avril 2013
Date(s) de l’évènement: 
4 juin 2013 - 6 juin 2013
Gambier, Ohio

Catching Stories Oral History Institute in Ohio

If you are doing an oral history project or are thinking about doing one, you should apply to attend this year’s Oral History Institute, June 4-6 on the beautiful campus of Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. The program trains participants in planning and conducting successful oral history projects. Emphasizing hands-on experience, topics covered in the two-and-a-half-day schedule include interviewing techniques, transcribing and archiving, and devising public programs based on oral history. To develop these skills, participants will work on a practice project that encompasses all stages of oral history and will also have time to consult with experts about planned projects. Sessions will also be available on using technology in oral history and on fundraising.

The faculty consists of professors from the fields of History, Sociology, Archiving, and Journalism who all have extensive experience with Oral History.

We encourage volunteers or paid staff from local historical organizations, libraries, schools, and colleges and universities to apply. Admission to the institute is limited to thirty and is competitive. The cost of the institute is $300, which includes two nights stay, six meals, and all other workshop materials. To obtain an application, contact James Calder at (800) 293-9774 or The application deadline is April 29, 2013.

The Oral History Institute is co-sponsored by the Ohio Humanities Council and The Rural Life Center at Kenyon College.
James D Calder
Digital Humanities Specialist
Ohio Humanities Council
471 E. Broad St., Suite 1620
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3857
614-461-7802 office
614-461-4651 fax
216-773-7103 cell
800-293-9774 in-state toll free