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2013 Keewatin Country Graduate Student History Conference, Apr 25-27

Date limite: 
30 janvier 2013
Date(s) de l’évènement: 
25 avril 2013 - 27 avril 2013
Personne ressource: 
Jennifer Jozic
Courriel de la personne ressource:

The Keewatin Country Graduate Student History Conference offers graduate students and top undergraduate students an opportunity to present their research in a collegial, scholarly environment. It also serves as an opportunity to build relationships and networks with students and faculty from nearby institutions. 

At Keewatin 2013 we want to spark conversations about historical study, the teaching of history, and the accessibility of historical research. Presenters can address any aspect of their current research activities (theoretical concepts, the research process, or preliminary results), or provide commentary on accessing historical resources, or on the process of memorialisation. We invite papers from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including all periods and topics in History, Art History, Historical Geography, Archival Studies and related disciplines.


DATE: The conference will take place at Wanuskewin Heritage Park outside Saskatoon, from April 25-27, 2013.


DEADLINE: Please submit abstracts of up to 300 words or full panel abstracts (4 papers maximum) to before January 30, 2013.



Registration details will be available on the University of Saskatchewan Department of History website early in January. Successful applicants will be notified by February 15, 2013.


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