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Reviewed? Renewed? Revisited! Philosophy and History of Educational Research, Jun 6-8

Date limite: 
15 février 2013
Date(s) de l’évènement: 
6 juin 2013 - 8 juin 2013



Reviewed? Renewed? Revisited!
Past, Present, and Future of Philosophy and History of Educational Research

Papers are called for an international conference to take place in Leuven, Belgium, Thursday June 6th - Saturday June 8th 2013.

In 1999, the Research Community Philosophy and history of the discipline of education was established by the Research Foundation Flanders, Belgium (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen). From the beginning, the aim has been to combine research concerning the history and nature of the discipline with the science of education. Thus attention has been paid to the evaluation and justification of the different modes and paradigms of educational research. The world-wide collaboration of colleagues from 15 centers has furthered research on various topics such as: the use of particular research methodologies, methods or techniques within the educational context; the justification of particular positions within philosophy and history of education vis à vis other (for instance
empirical) research in this field; the relation of philosophy and history of education to pure philosophy, pure history, literature, aesthetics, and other relevant areas such as economics, sociology, and psychology.

Obviously, much more work needs to be done and possibly some of the issues that have been addressed could also be dealt with differently or approached from another stance. The 2013 conference, for which papers are called, will schedule interesting papers that offer a renewed approach or pay attention to areas that thus far have not been selected and make room for reviewing the work that has been done.

The three day conference will take place in Leuven, Belgium. The registration fee (which includes refreshments, three lunches, and a printed copy of the Proceedings) is 150 EURO. (For students and colleagues who are retired or part-time employed - evidence of this to be produced - and for delegates living and earning salaries in countries ranked as medium or low in the UNDP Human Development Report, the registration fee is 100 EURO).

For further practical information either contact <> or <> or see the website of the Research Community, RC2013, which will be available from October 1 2012. A list of accommodation options in Leuven will be provided. 
Leuven can easily be reached by train (and there is a direct train from the National Airport, Brussels-Zaventem).

Abstracts (between 750 and 1000 words) should be sent by February 15th
2013 to<>. 
Proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Programme Committee. 
Decisions will be announced by: March 1st 2013.  (Registration from March 1st; closes May 1st .) A selection of the full papers of the successful submissions will be included in a book to be published
(2014) by Springer (Dordrecht) in their Series Educational Research.

Further information about the work of the Research Community During its annual conferences various subthemes where addressed by members of the Research Community and these have led to many publications in journals, in special issues of journals and in a number of books. Under the editorship of Paul Smeyers and Marc Depaepe six books have been published: the first by Leuven University Press Beyond empiricism. On criteria for educational research (2003); the following five by Springer, Dordrecht, Educational research: Why What works doesn't work. (2006), Educational research: Networks and technologies (2007), Educational research: The educationalization of social problems (2008), Educational research. Proofs, arguments, and other reasonings (2009), and Educational research. The ethics and aesthetics of statistics (2010). More information about the chapters can be found on the website of the publisher. Three more books are in preparation (addressing The attraction of psychology,  Institutional spaces of educational research, and Design, material culture and the representation of educational research, respectively scheduled to be published by Springer, Dordrecht in 2012, 2013, and 2014 in their series Educational Research. Among others these works include publications by Tina Besley, David Bridges, Nick Burbules, Jeroen Dekker, Marc Depaepe, Lynn Fendler, Naomi Hodgson, Edwin Keiner, Volker Kraft, David Labaree, Jim Marshall, Jan Masschelein, Ian Munday, Michael Peters, Thomas S. Popkewitz, Stefan Ramaekers, Frank Simon, Maarten Simons, Richard Smith, Paul Standish, Lynda Stone, Daniel Tröhler, Jean Paul Van Bendegem, and Michael Watts.

Marc Depaepe

Professor of History of Education - KU Leuven Centre for the History of Intercultural Relations, Campus Kulak, Etienne Sabbelaan 53, B-8500 Kortrijk (Belgium)
Office: A137 tel. +32 56246175 (secr. +32 56246056) <>
Centre for the History of Education
Research Group: Education, Culture, and Society, Andreas Vesaliusstraat 2, B-3000 Leuven (Belgium)
Office: 03.15 tel. +32 16326250 (secr. +32 16326202) <>