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World History Association 22nd Annual Conference, Jun 26-29

Date limite: 
28 février 2013
Date(s) de l’évènement: 
26 juin 2013 - 29 juin 2013

The WHA program committee is pleased to extend the deadline for the upcoming WHA conference at North Hennepin Community College to February 28, 2013. Please feel free to forward this Call for Papers on to other lists and interested parties. The WHA program committee is, in particular, looking forward to considering panels focused on pedagogy and /or the intersection of pedagogy and world historical research.

The 22nd Annual World History Association conference at North Hennepin Community College (NHCC) - Minneapolis, Minnesota (June 26-29, 2013)

Call for Papers Deadline: February 28, 2013

This year's conference themes are: "Diasporas and Refugees in World History" and "Roads, Trails, and Rivers in World History."

The World History Association eagerly invites proposals from students, scholars, and teachers around the world on topics related to the scholarly and/or pedagogical aspects of the conference's themes:

* Panels (up to 3 panelists, one chair, and one discussant) - Individual papers, each 20 minutes in length
* Single papers
* Roundtables (between 4 to 5 participants) - 4-5 minute opening statements from participants and then conversational dialogue with the audience
* Mixed panels of K-12 teachers, students, university professors, and independent scholars examining cutting-edge scholarship and its classroom integration
* Panels devoted to research in progress (and potential for classroom
* Sessions dealing with the current scholarship of "big issues" in world history (and potential for classroom integration)
* Proposals for poster displays and presentations

Prearranged panels are given priority, but individual papers are considered. Accepted individual papers are arranged into panels by the Program Committee. Papers and proposed panels that do not fit into the conference themes are considered and accepted, as space allows.

Each proposal should include: a maximum 250-word abstract for each paper, a one page curriculum vitae for each participant, and a brief statement about the paper(s) original contribution(s) to scholarship or pedagogy. All papers should be presented in English (if this is a concern please indicate as much and the committee will take the matter under consideration). Please be thoughtful of A/V requests, while we should have ideal technological facilities, things happen. As always, handouts are welcome. Proposals must be submitted using the forms and guidelines available at

Information regarding accommodations, registration, keynote speakers, and related issues is posted, and regularly updated, on the WHA website: Please register at the time of paper/panel submission.
Panel organizers should ensure that all panel members register for the conference at the time of a proposal submission. If you do not receive funding from your institution, your paper is not accepted, or the occasion arises that you cannot attend the conference, you may request a full registration fee refund before April 15, 2013. After that date, regular cancellation policies apply. Visit for further details.

Maryanne Rhett
WHA Program Committee Chair/H-World Co-Editor Monmouth University