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The War of 1812 FREE Bi-National Educator's Event, Nov 9

Date(s) de l’évènement: 
9 novembre 2011
Buffalo, New York

FREE Bi-National Educator Event
Wednesday November 9th, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

For two and a half years Americans fought against the British, Canadian colonists, and native nations. In the years to come, the War of 1812 would be celebrated in some places and essentially forgotten in others.

By world standards it was a small war, and yet it forged the destiny of a continent for two hundred years to come.

Join us for this free dinner and partial screening for educators highlighting educational materials for the WNED/PBS production The War of 1812 at WNED’s studio in downtown Buffalo.

The intricate web of disparate groups, goals and desires makes this war far more complex than a catalog of battles, generals, winners, and losers. The production examines, in depth, all of the perspectives of those various groups and how their interconnectedness created what some have called, “a tangled history – a catalogue of failed invasions, military blunders, abject cowardice and unflinching bravery.”

In The War of 1812, leading historians, battle re-enactors, period buildings and artifacts help bring this defining conflict to life. The lives and accomplishments of significant historical characters contribute to this amazing program. Such people as Tecumseh, Dolley Madison, Isaac Brock, James Madison, Laura Secord, William Henry Harrison, William Hull and Francis Scott Key are all made real. But, human stories of the war, those of ordinary citizens, are also graphically portrayed.

Please RSVP by Wednesday November 2nd to Rachael Haas by e-mail to or by phone to (716) 845-7000 ext. 345.

All attendees will receive complimentary materials including an Educator’s Guide featuring lesson plans and activities, The War of 1812 DVD, and a classroom poster!

For classroom resources now, visit the website at

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