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2016 Historical Thinking Summer Institute, Jul 11-16

Date limite: 
30 mai 2016
Date(s) de l’évènement: 
11 juillet 2016 - 16 juillet 2016
Vancouver, BC
Location: Museum of Vancouver 
Date: July 11–16, 2016
Historical thinking is now a foundation for history and social studies curricula across the country and internationally, and museum and heritage educators are similarly embracing it. This Historical Thinking Summer Institute is designed for teachers, curriculum developers, professional development leaders, historians and museum educators who want to enhance their expertise at designing history courses, programs, and educational resources with explicit attention to historical thinking.

Attendees of the 2016 Historical Thinking Summer Institute will participate in a variety of activities including presentations, workshops, field trips, discussions of readings, guest lectures, and group work to explore six historical thinking concepts: evidence, significance, continuity & change, cause & consequence, perspective-taking, and the ethical dimension of history. 

These concepts will shape our exploration of the substantive theme of migrations, Aboriginal/settler relations, resource extraction, and labour history. Visits to museum exhibitions and collections storage will provide the opportunity to discuss the role of material culture in history education and historical interpretation.  

Dr. Lindsay Gibson, University of Alberta
Dr. Viviane Gosselin, Museum of Vancouver

Founding Director: Dr. Peter Seixas, University of British Columbia
Dr. Seixas will present the Introduction to the Historical Thinking Concepts on Monday, will join us for the group dinner on Wednesday night, and will attend the final group presentations on Saturday.

For more information about the 2016 HTSI including a Draft Program, Course Description and Reading List, and Registration information visit:

For specific questions email: 

Jessica Knapp,  Online Engagement Coordinator, Canada's History 

204-988-9300 ext. 232