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East European Summer Seminar and Cemetery Restoration, Jun 5-26

The Holocaust Educational Foundation would like to announce its Summer East European Concentration Camp and Cemetery Clean-up Program, to begin June 2016. We are calling for third and fourth year college students, graduate students and Professors to participate We plan to begin in the Ukraine at Babi Yar, and then to move through Poland, visiting various camps, Jewish sites and spending a few days cleaning neglected Jewish cemeteries. Student applicants must provide a letter of recommendation from a Professor and all who are interested a half page letter of intent, explaining why they want to participate in this program and what they expect to learn/use from it. Please send all of the aforementioned to HEF3@ We will know more specifics, regarding exact dates, costs etc., in time. Anyone who wants to extend the trip may do so at their own expense.
Those who will be accepted will received a subsidy for up to $1000.00 paid toward travel. In special cases additional funding may be considered. Applicants must include a $500.00 deposit check made out to TRAVEL PRIORITIES. This deposit will be refundable until MARCH 1, 2015. You may e-mail your letters to but please mail your deposits to HEF attn Zev Weiss, 3130 Big Tree Lane, Wilmette, IL., 60091.
Please inform your colleagues and other departments at your College/University about this wonderful opportunity as well, for they may have students would benefit from this program. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: or you may call us at 847-251-1952 (Mr. Weiss) or 504-723-6771 (Judy Fai-Podlipnik) Thank you.
The following are some comments made by previous participants:
“I believe this is a great service to humanity and I do mean every word of that. … it was a great experience all through. One could not have asked for more. The program over there also was a great educational experience. It is one thing to read about the Holocaust in the pages of books and watch the representations of the Holocaust in films and movies, it is quite another thing to be on the location of the atrocities and have a sense of the magnitude of the suffering of the victims of the Holocaust. I came back with renewed purpose to do my best to advance Holocaust education and will be devoting a huge chunk of the rest of my life doing that. What has happened must never be forgotten, and we must do our best to ensure that such is not repeated now or in the future.”
“I just wanted to thank you again for making possible my participation in the Eastern-European trip, it was an incredible experience, I learned so much and the work that we did with cleaning the Jewish cemeteries felt so rewarding!”
“Thank you for these most powerful and formative experiences. What you have given us is not only the ability to study and learn, or even to teach, you've gifted us with the tools and opportunities to do more.”
Contact Info: 

Zev Weiss or 847-251-1952

Judy Fai-Podlipnik 504-723-6771

Contact Email: