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History Matters: Historical Thinking K-16, Feb 19

Date(s) de l’évènement: 
19 février 2016
Abbotsford, BC

Calling all History and Social Studies teachers

The UFV History department, in collaboration with UFV Teacher Education, is hosting a special professional development day for all History and Social Studies teachers and faculty members on February 19, 2016.

In addition to a keynote lecture that will present innovative ideas on how to develop historical thinking in your students throughout their educational journey, the day will include two breakout sessions to allow for interaction and reflection. View schedule.

Sessions offered will include:

  • What does an historian do?
  • Students as researchers: connecting to problem/project-based learning
  • Historical thinking in action
  • Incorporating and evaluating the use of historica fiction, film and new media in the classroom
  • Assessing more than content — addressing those real challenges
  • Responsible indigenization