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Toronto and the First World War: Local Stories, National Narratives - An evening for teachers, Oct 5

Samantha Cutrara
Date(s) de l’évènement: 
5 octobre 2011
Personne ressource: 
Samantha Cutrara
Courriel de la personne ressource:

Toronto and the First World War: Local Stories, National Narratives
An evening for teachers
October 5th 5-8pm

Click here to RSVP by Oct 3

Our first Approaching the Past event of the season involves a visit and examination of documents at two important Toronto sites to understand the ways in which the First World War had an impact on the citizens of Toronto.

The October 5th event is open to history teachers, historians and students.

We will begin at the Toronto archives and examine the collection of  Anna Durie's World War One Journey  and the Number 2 Construction Battalion: the story of Canada's only all-African Canadian battalion. Then we will head to the Spadina Museum to examine the stories of Percy Austin and Maggie Austin, the family's eldest son and youngest daughter who both went to France and returned alive, but with shell shock.

The evening is free, includes refreshments in both venues and a folder of First World War educational materials.