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UVic Cultural Resource Management Summer distance courses, May 4-Aug 9

Date limite: 
6 avril 2015
Date(s) de l’évènement: 
4 mai 2015 - 9 août 2015

The Cultural Resource Management Program at UVic is pleased to offer the following distance summer courses

Please note that the deadline for SUMMER COURSE REGISTRATION is April 6, 2015

(Late registration is accepted if there is room in the course)

HA 488G Public Programming
May 4 – Aug. 9, 2015

This course examines the critical role of interpretation and public programming in helping museums and heritage organizations to engage their communities in meaningful and long-term ways. During this course we explore how these organizations can create memorable learning experiences for visitors through understanding their needs, motivations, learning preferences, and contextual influences. We examine the role of interpretation in public programs, the process of developing thematic interpretive content, and the strengths and weaknesses of various interpretive and program approaches. We learn about some powerful interpretive strategies that utilize the senses, material culture, multiple perspectives, stories and memory. We discuss planning, delivery, staffing, management and evaluation issues for a range of public programming approaches that occur on-site at museums and heritage organizations. We also explore community outreach approaches, including the new realm of web-based public programs. Finally, we consider how museums and heritage organizations can embrace learning as a valued outcome for internal and external stakeholders and develop effective, long-term community partnerships

Instructor: Candace Tangorra-Matelic

Fee: $642.97 CDN, due at time of registration to confirm registration in the course. 

For more information or to register:


HA 488P Human Resource Management in Cultural Organizations

May 4 – Aug. 9, 2015

This course will increase your capacity to interact with, lead, and develop museum, heritage, and other cultural workers. It will also allow you to strengthen your relationship with Boards and other governance institutions. During the fourteen weeks of this course, you will undertake an intensive examination of the ways in which staff and volunteers are managed in cultural organizations, with particular emphasis on museum and heritage institutions. The material in the course is anchored in the conviction that strategic human resource management is vital in the creation of positive and supportive working environments in which the dedicated, creative professionals who animate the cultural sector can thrive.

Instructor: Sibyl Frei

Fee: $642.97 CDN, due at time of registration to confirm registration in the course. 

For more information or to register:

If you have questions about these courses or the program contact