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Call for adjudicators: School Heritage Fairs, Vancouver

Janet Morley

Adjudicators are requested to interview VSB students in grades 5-7 at their school heritage fairs. Students work individually to produce a display board and creative component, after extensive research on their selected topic, which must have something to do with Canadian history or heritage or a family immigration story. This page gives some examples of past projects: 

Each evaluation lasts about ten minutes and we try to have each student interviewed by three different judges, to give a fairer evaluation. School fairs in March:

Thursday 5th March at Maple Grove School (6199 Cypress Street) – ten classes

Wednesday 25th March at General Gordon School (4102 W 16th Ave) – seven classes, including two French immmersion

The regional fair is scheduled for Thursday 14th May, at Killarney School. All three events last from 9am to 3pm. Judges are welcome to do the morning or afternoon or both, at one or several schools, as well as at the Vancouver regional fair. More school fairs are scheduled for April and early May and will be announced once they are confirmed by teachers.

Please see the attachments for a sample adjudication form and possible questions to ask students. 

For further details and to sign up, please contact Janet Morley

Fichier attachéTaille
BC-Heritage-Fairs-adjudication-form.doc31 KB
BC-Heritage-Fairs-possible-questions.doc24.5 KB