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Diary of an Archivist: “The Sound and the Story” of Vinyl Records

Posted by Emily Chicorli
13 Avril 2015 - 8:04pm


One of the types of primary sources that I find most fascinating are sound recordings. From radio broadcasts of worldwide events, to listening to advertisements and stories, to listening to music or speeches, sound recordings offer a different and engaging way to learn about a historical time period.

Additionally, the massive changes in technology has altered the way we listen to, enjoy and acquire music. These changes make for excellent discussion with students about technology, history, music, performing arts, hobbies, leisure activities and more.

Click here for a link to a Youtube video and blog post featuring a video from 1956 on how vinyl records are made. This video can be used in social studies/history classes, technology discussions, and music and performing arts classes, to compare and contrast how we enjoy and listen music today compared to a different time.

Here are some discussions questions for the classroom:

  • Let's think about the introduction to this video. Someone is opening a gift and then going to a records player to play the record. How do we receive and listen to music now?
  • What equipment did they use in the video to record and listen to music? What equipment do we use now?
  • How long does it take to produce a record? How long do you think it takes to produce a song we listen to on our phones or computers?
  • What are some of the steps of creating a record?
  • How do we appreciate music today?

How do you make use of sound recordings in your teaching?

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