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China and the Forbidden City, Oct 16


Join your K-12 colleagues in neighbouring Burnaby at a professional development gathering called China and the Forbidden City.  It will be a good opportunity to deepen your knowledge about China and consider methods of integration into your curriculum.

The event is taking place October 16th in the Centre for Dialogue at Byrne Creek Secondary located at 7777 18th Street in Burnaby from 4pm to 6pm. Light refreshments will be available. A free resource will be also be made available.

The presentation and discussion will be through the lens of four themes: power, culture, daily life, and architecture, and use two recently published, which will be made available at the workshop, as a backdrop. Discussion will be centred on learning strategies for incorporating aspects of the iconic Forbidden City into the classroom – encouraging intercultural dialogue and
literacy, for example, and forging strong links between readers, educators and the cultural network of China.

The opportunity is part of the “We All Live in the Forbidden City” educational program developed by the China Institute with assistance from the Richard H.N. Ho Foundation here in Vancouver. There are complementary activities taking place at the Vancouver Public Library and the Vancouver Art Gallery from October 18th.
To register, email or call Deirdre Moore at 778-855-8193 as soon as possible (registration is limited). Check online at for more information about the event.