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What are we? Honouring Nikkei Identity, Sep 27

Date(s) de l’évènement: 
27 septembre 2014
Burnaby BC

Be a part of this dynamic meeting of creative minds to discuss how our past informs our present. World renowned artist Kip Fulbeck will get us started with a morning keynote. Respected elders will share a brief historical perspective. In the afternoon, Kip and a panel of nikkei arts & culture professionals who have joined us from Quebec, Ontario, California, and BC will present some of their thoughts and ideas for the future. There will be plenty of time for lively discussion and active participation.

Special Guests include Kip Fulbeck, Jeff Chiba Stearns, Bryce Kanbara, Dr. Greg Kimura, Kristen Lambertson, Kelty Miyoshi McKinnon, Junji Nishihata, and Louise Noguchi,

Symposium runs? Saturday, September 27? from 9:30am – 4pm. Light refreshments and buffet lunch will be served. The day ends with hip hapa hooray! a celebration of Kip Fulbeck’s exhibition, Part Asian, 100% Hapa, in the Nikkei National Museum and Hapapalooza Festival’s inaugural community awards.

Admission is free but seating is limited so please rsvp to

The Nikkei National Museum gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance of the BC Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts – Equity Office, and the Vancouver Foundation.

Here is a link to our facebook events page -
Please help us spread the word about this exciting event. We hope to see you there!

We are pleased to offer this program as part of BC Culture Days 2014 -

Beth Carter
Director | Curator
Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby, BC V5E 4M7
T 604.777.7000 ext 112 F 604.777.7001